September 20, 2006

Something Old, Something Blue


Eileen and Gary
they became THEM:
a couple
whose names
were inseparable.

She in a hat, the brim
framing her face,
and beautiful;
she beams at him.
Him with his cowlick
and darkish looks
handsome and unrecognizable.

But I know them,
know I am like Him,
not like Her at all.
Some strangeness of being
their first born
not recognizing myself
in their smiles;
me the future
the road turn not yet seen
not yet imagined.

What strikes me though
is how young they are.
How happy.
Something I would not see
for another seventeen years
until well after
their divorce.

1 comment:

MB said...

"not like Her at all" ... except for being young and beautiful.